From Lao Tzu to Einstein and David Bohn, what do we learn that can help us improve our sense of wellness? The validation by Quantum physics of energy medicine principles has deep and practical applications in helping everyone feel better ─
a pre-requisite to looking good.
All energy medicines teach that the body is not simply vital matter but vital energy as well. In fact, it is more and more understood that the visible body is complemented by an invisible complex of energy fields.

The PHYTO 5 skincare line is formulated with high-grade, natural, essential oils blended for their energetic properties. The products have been tested and proven to contribute to vital-energy balancing, according to the 5 Elements (phases or aspects) of vital energy. The products give highly satisfactory result when used according to an energetic understanding of the body. The reflexive properties of the skin make it possible for “energetic” topical products to become active in a noninvasive way, as it accesses and balances vital energy. It allows aestheticians and massage therapists to address the energetic root cause of skin problems, and of body shape. It is particularly helpful when personalizing an anti-aging regimen.
Learn how to achieve lasting, superior, results with a strong wellness solution. Indeed, vital energy balancing is the best way to practice prevention according to all energy medicines. Visit: and
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