Interestingly, my father was a French medical doctor who became a doctor of TCM. As a teenager, my sprains and various ailments were treated with acupuncture and other energy medicine modalities. I was enchanted to realize that no other competitors had the approach of this company and that I had an affinity for the uniqueness of its TCM-based method. The deciding factor was my discovery of the high commitment this company had to its philosophy encapsulated in its motto:
Beauty Is Health Made Visible!
This led to the acquisition of the Swiss company in 1997. Then in 1998 we started the US distribution company which is now based in Central Florida.
Having anticipated that the spa demand would boom, it was clear that the better hotels and resorts would look for solutions to meet customer demand while creating competitive advantages for themselves. My vision was to offer a wellness space program resting on three premises:
- All vital energy medicines postulate that the body is not simply matter but vital energy as well.
- TCM teaches that skin conditions and body shapes are telltale signs of what is going on internally.
- Treatments and products need to be selected not only according to the needs of each individual but also with consideration for the effects of each energetic season of which there are five in TCM.
That is a unique specialty of Phytobiodermie.®
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