Most people visualize acne as pussy red pimples invading the entire face and certain parts of the body, mostly the backs on men. The condition is what Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) recognizes as yang-type acne. There is another type of acne, the yin-type, that is cystic and inner where the fluid has hardened and the skin might not be red. Yin-type acne can also appear on the back.
The two different manifestations of acne cannot be treated the same way and with the same products as opposed to what some well advertised cosmetic lines attempt to do.
Two different manifestations cannot have the same cause and the same remedy. This is why acne is so persistent.
Further, bacteria do not cause acne. The presence of bacteria is a symptom and not a cause.
Most common acne treatments only address the symptoms. This is why temporary relief if often achieved, but it is just that–temporary.
Acne is an Earth condition that needs to be treated as such. Severe conditions will require a serious series of treatments to balance the energetic root cause. Drainage of the lymph is essential, not only on the face but all over the body, particularly in severe cases. Bath treatments sponsoring lymph drainage are well advised.
There should be a highly personalized approach to acne. It is not only based on the type of acne but also on its location relative to reflex zones. Yang acne on the liver zone is a different type of acne than a yin type on the upper cheeks, the stomach zone. In each case, the energy of the element corresponding to the reflex zone must also be balanced.
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