Many of the people who talk enthusiastically about everything that is natural (implying that they are superior to what is not natural) have a difficult time with the realization that nature is seemingly not interested in preservation. In other words, there is a cycle to life, from birth to death, that is inevitable, and our physical decline is as certain as our growing phase. Aging is inexorably linked to the unstoppable ticking of the clock. If one cannot stop time, one cannot truly "anti-age."
Even if "anti-aging" is nothing other than an oxymoron, it is nevertheless a market force and a lifestyle driver that will push the envelope on many fronts, medically as well as in the broader business of life-coaching. Its first objective will be avoidance of any factor that could prematurely age us (physically, emotionally and mentally). Its success will require far more integrated and multi-disciplinary knowledge than is currently available. It will also require a commitment initiated very early in life when youth has no concept of aging and no recognition that aging is also part of growing up. Its second objective will be to repair any damage that is hindering our ability to live at a higher level of wellness and closer to our inherent potential.
To live at our optimum potential should be our wellness objective, but it is difficult to have a good idea of what our individual potential is, both in the length of our natural time span and on the level of its vitality. To start with, it requires successfully avoiding all the things that prematurely age us and doing all the things that preserve our health and vitality. It requires many factors to come into play, not the least of which is knowledge and wisdom from very early
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