The Biodraineur™ (drainage machine) offers the possibility to incorporate a lymph drainage of your face and neck. The drainage takes place at the end of the first phase of the Basic Nine Step Phyto Facial.
The result is immediately visible and you will feel it as well.
When the Chromapuncteur™ (light machine) is used, the basic facial is enhanced in these exciting ways:
- your chakras (energy centers) are energized during each phase of treatment;
- a very beneficial lymph or energetic drainage is performed after the first mask;
- the Color Clay Mask treatment is energized with complementary light;
- select acupuncture points are addressed with the Chromapuncteur™ and/or the Biostimulator™ while you receive the clay mask treatment;
- wrinkles and the area around your eyes are addressed.
By receiving a treatment on just one half of the face, a very remarkable difference becomes visible and even felt.