Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Technologies Can Measure Our Energetic "Balance Sheet"

With the advent of modern and evermore sophisticated scientific instruments, it has become possible to measure the flow of energy within the body. Computers assist us to graphically present the energetic "balance sheet" of the individual. These technologies provide the potential to identify the specific energetic cause of a health problem. They even assist us to anticipate a disturbance before it evolves beyond a simple energetic blockage or imbalance.

Health problems generally arise from an energetic cause that manifests itself months before the physical body reacts in ways that can be felt and/or seen.

The Germans are particularly advanced in understanding this concept. They often work from and have expanded upon earlier Russian scientific research in the field of vital energy. This kind of research by the Russians is linked to their initial space program. They used vital energy measurements to monitor the health of their cosmonauts who were sent into space for extended periods of time. 

Modern research in this field in still at an early stage. It is now attracting a growing interest thanks to computer that can manipulate a massive amount of information received by probes placed in contact with the body at a number of energetic points, collecting information in a painless and totally non-invasive way. This type of information is becoming available to a broader base of practitioners and will increasingly become a part of spas that offer alternative and holistic modalities.

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