Friday, January 2, 2015

Light: Raw Material for Human Life

Light is energy and can be thought of as "raw material" for human life and most living organisms. It behaves as a vibration and it radiates. Light propagates through space in the same fashion as AM or FM radio waves and any other electromagnetic radiations. All radiations are characterized by their wavelength and consequently, their frequency. White light naturally divides in seven colors as we can observe on a well-formed rainbow.

Each of the seven colors includes, and is constituted by, a range of wavelengths — not a single wavelength. Wavelengths are measured in nanometers. A nanometer (nm) is one billionth of a meter (a meter is a little more than three feet). Radiation from the visible spectrum are contained between 380 nm and 780 nm. Before 380 nm, there is the ultraviolet range and beyond 780 manometers, there is the infrared range.

To eliminate any potential dangers to clients as well as to therapists, Phytobiodermie light equipment has filters to eliminate any frequencies that exceed the visible spectrum, namely, infrared and ultraviolets. At the same time, Phytobiodermie equipment faithfully offers the basic seven colors of the rainbow with their full complement of frequencies. It also offers additional colors such as pink and turquoise for their specific beneficial properties.

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