Tuesday, April 14, 2015

We Can Learn How We Are Likely to Age

Anti-aging goes far beyond what modern medicine can do for us at this time. Thankfully, the relatively new specialty known as sports medicine has focused physicians on how to contribute to the top performance of highly paid athletes and not simply to fix what is broken. Their approach to prevention and to achievement of higher performance levels is a start in the right direction. The more they embrace a holistic view of the body, the more they will succeed. In the process, they will contribute much to general medicine's understanding and prevention of premature aging.

There are dreams, not only of revitalization, but also of rejuvenation. The former is achievable in degrees the moment we engage in some internal cleansing and rebalancing of energies as we include realignment of the spiritual–mental–emotional–physical aspects of our being. 

That is clearly achievable now.

It can be a unique field offered by superior wellness centers with a greatly needed approach to holistic revitalization. In turn, this also opens the door for holistic rejuvenation.

When it comes to the subject of rejuvenation, we start tinkering with the clock of life, yet the potential exists for science to be able to reset our biological clock through modification of hormonal activity in aging people as well as modifying our DNA, but again, will it e done in a holistic way or with the current mindset of the mechanic replacing a carburetor?
Current hormone therapies are still too young and their long-term impact too uncertain to embrace them early enough in our adulthood so as to make a lasting impact. Of course, those solutions and others re likely to remain "unnatural" and invasive wit hthe potential of unforeseen and undesirable long-term effects. Under the best of circumstances, they will be very costly and will remain affordable only for very wealthy people. However, the real issue remains, even for the very fortunate. Fixing the physical body is not enough and does not, of itself, bring about wellness. There must be, simultaneously, an effort at balancing vital energies and maintaining a body–mind–spirit alignment.

The concept of energetic biorhythms, presented earlier, provides a superior tool to help us understand the likely direction of our personal aging process. The biorhythm also helps us to understand the root cause of our health challenges and physical manifestations as skin conditions and body shape.

If we know early enough how we are likely to age, we can more easily adapt our lifestyle and skincare treatments to compensate and more closely achieve our full wellness potential which translates into physical appearance.

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