Friday, April 10, 2015

The Role and Importance of the Biorhythm

To know your biorhythm is a big help. You will be able to anticipate the likely direction of your aging process and to start mitigating its effects as early as possible. This is true both for skincare and body shape. It helps your technician select and personalize the most desirable treatments for you and to prescribe the most preventive of skincare products. 

Knowledge of your dominating energy explains certain factors affecting your present state of wellness and anticipates its future evolution. Consequently, it can also help you to make other adjustments such as with your lifestyle and habits.  For example, a Fire-type person (see previous posts) is more affected by the midsummer day heat than anyone else and should be careful in warm climates if playing golf at midday. That person would be stressing the heart with strongly accelerated red blood circulation manifested as a very red face, excessive perspiration and a likely increase in skin sensitivity. The proper response is a Phytobiodermie "Fire facial" with a Fire energetic drainage.

Each element has its own energies which cause specific skin conditions and specific body shapes. Manifestations of those conditions are either temporary or more permanent when they are also a condition of your dominating element. They are magnified as you age and when you do nothing to compensate through energy balancing treatments.

Understanding the energetic forces at work behind your biorhythm becomes a powerful tool in creating an appropriate and personalized response to the premature effects of the aging process and any particularly vexing skin condition or body shape.

This energetic solution to anti-aging based on Traditional Chinese Medicine is intended to help you live at an optimum level for your individual energetic make-up.  Conceptually, the solution is always the same but it needs adaptation according to the energetic tendencies of each individual as defined by their biorhythm. The tools for the solution are many, from skincare to all aspects of your lifestyle. The more complete and integrated you make the various aspects of your solution, the more likely you will succeed.

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