The general characteristic of a Sheep year is its yin aspect. It correlates to the Cancer sign associated with the energy of the mother, healer, and nurturer. It is a time of peace, calm and contentment. Sheep needs solitary moment to replenish her soul; yet, at the same time, Sheep is very sociable and loves celebrations and a good party. Although calm in appearance, it is strong in determination and can adapt to different environments. It accomplishes its goals with small but solid steps one at a time. Sheep is practical and only moves forward; and does not like to go backwards or sideways.
Sheep is the 8th of the 12 earthly branches. In Chinese numerology 8 is a number of good fortune. Further 2015 is also an 8 (2+0+1+5=8) promising the new year to be one of abundance!
The particular characteristic of the Blue Sheep is that of the Wood element. Since 2015 which ends with an odd number is a yin year, the yin of 2015 will reinforce the yin energy of Sheep whose symbol is the reed bending in the wind. Wood quality of boldness and creativity will add much drive to the Sheep year.
Note: this information is extracted or derived from Taoist Astrology, written by Susan Levitt with Jean Tang.
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