Monday, November 10, 2014


Welcome to Our Energetic Blog!

Our skin—the largest organ of the body— is a reflexive organ
providing telltale signs of what is going on within the body.

This why we say, “Beauty Is Health Made Visible!”
And it's why proper skincare is a key element of wellness.

The skin as a vital organ cannot be excessively stripped mechanically or with acids, injected with chemical, cut, stretched and sewn, without consequences. Likewise, what you eat, drink, breathe, and how you exercise your body, or not, will have consequences on your health as much as on your skin. Skincare is caring for your entire body. That is why it is truly a holistic proposition. Anything else is a shortcut with potentially undesirable consequences. [excerpted from Energetic Skincare, Naturally, by Jon Canas, President, Phytobiodermie U. S.; go to: for more information on the book]

1 comment:

  1. This book is fabulous! It is nice that someone has finally written a book that describes that we are ENERGY! and how it relates to our bodies. Wow, we learned a lot from reading your book.

