Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Skin: Treat It With Reverence

The skin has been much studied yet it still remains somewhat misunderstood. It is traditionally seen as a complex tissue made of three major layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The epidermis, the outside layer, is mostly an accumulation of dead cells. In the time of the moon cycle, the epidermis is entirely renewed.

There are about twelve pounds of skin on an average human body. Its thickness might vary from half a millimeter to a few millimeters depending on the part of the body it covers. An eyelid is thin like a piece of paper but heels can be thick like the soles of shoes.

The skin harbors an enormous amount of blood vessels, nerve endings, fluids and tiny oil glands. A square inch contains millions of cells to be fed and oxygenated and whose waste needs to be eliminated. Eventually, dead cells must make room for new ones.

In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), skin is viewed with great reverence. It is more than a barrier between the inside of the body and the outside environment. It is linked to the organ function of Lung (i.e. a breathing/eliminating function) and consequently, to the energy of the Metal element. But there is more: Your skin is particularly important because it is a reflexive organ that provides important telltale signs of what is going on within your body. Any skin problem reoccurring in the same area is an indicator of your health condition. Your skin's role as a provider of natural early warning signs can help you maintain or achieve an improved state of wellness.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Over-Processed Skin

A relatively new condition has evolved–over-processed skin. As its name implies, it is caused by an excess of invasive treatments. The skin is so abused that eventually it loses its natural properties–from its appearance to its capacity to heal. It looks like paper, void of vital energy. Too many chemical peels, excessive dermabrasion and maybe excessive or unsuccessful surgery have affected the skin to the extent that the natural vital flow of energy is blocked. It affects proper fluid movement and the stripping of trace minerals is an impediment to natural osmosis. Water, nutrients, and oxygenation do not reach all the layers of the skin and elimination of waste is affected. In short, the skin has lost its capacity to hydrate and to heal from within.

This condition is best met with Metal treatments and products from Phytobiodermie's Metal line of products (based on the 5-Element Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine). A series of energetic drainages is required to stimulate and balance all five fluids. The very existence of this condition is a sad but a very good demonstration of what happens when the skin is not respected for the organ it is–when it is treated as if it were a piece of cloth. This is also why holistically-minded estheticians are alert to these risks and educate their customers that more is not necessarily better.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Miracle Spa Ingredient

Great food is not necessarily found in expensive restaurants. In the same way, the most beautiful spa décor, exquisite menu, and genteel service are no guarantee we'll receive a deeply effective and satisfying treatment. Once the door of the treatment room is closed, the moment of truth arrives! As the hands of the professional touch you, everything that took place before is like the preface to a novel and everything after the treatment will be the epilogue. As nice as they might be, the preface and epilogue cannot make up for a bad novel!

Your spa experience includes all that is perceived and received by all your senses, before and after the treatment, but it is the quality of the treatment itself that is most critical. Nothing else can substitute for it. This is a self-evident fact, particularly for frequent and regular spa aficionados.

What people eat in rotating restaurants perched high in the sky is not the major reason for their visit––they are there for the view! And for the local resident in search of good food, the rotating restaurant would not be their choice.

Then, why is it that so much time and money is devoted to fashioning the sizzle during the creation phase of a spa, at the obvious expense of the steak (or tofu for vegetarian readers)? In too many instances, the same bias continues with spa management attention on everything outside the treatment room, and so little on what ensures superior treatments inside the treatment room.

To achieve excellence, professional managers understand very well that quality is achieved only if it is defined and managed. Quality in spa treatments is no exception.

Great spas have an atmosphere that makes you feel as if you were standing on the next-best thing to sacred ground. Such spas have a sanctuary-like quality within which you unwind, relax, and renew. The atmosphere is conducive to a letting go of all that you put on to face the demands of your everyday. It offers an opportunity to come face-to-face with yourself and be gently helped with the essential outcome of liking what you see, particularly when that ability does not come naturally to you. This is where the concept of connecting with your body, mind, and spirit takes on an entirely new meaning.

The moment the hands of the therapist approach you, even before the full touch, something very important takes place—a transfer of energy. The quality of the energy that you receive from the therapist is directly related to his or her intent consciously introduced. The therapist needs to feel fully present in the moment for energy to be at the service of his or her intent. And your own surrender to the moment is affected by how you receive the intent of that energy. It determines the degree of your release, relaxation and rebalancing, ultimately yielding a sense of wellness and even rejuvenation. “Rubbish!” exclaim those who say they only care for a good deep sports massage until the day when they learn to let go in the presence of that special pair of hands. And this miracle ingredient is not limited to massage therapists. It very much applies to estheticians as well.

Professionals familiar with the concept of vital energy can readily understand the essence of my comments. The miracle ingredient we are talking about is intent. Even someone with less than extensive experience, but with the right intent, will give a better treatment than a technically more proficient professional who is too jaded to insert any intent into his/her work. If this were not the case, therapists could be, and eventually would be, replaced by robots. But that will never be, because treatment quality is closely associated with intent and the energy it produces. Robot-like therapists or estheticians give a bad name to spas.

Some people are more gifted at giving great treatments than others, but it does not mean that the role and importance of intent and of its energetic extension cannot be taught and developed. Great spa directors know that. They know how to recognize the staff members who possess potential. They know also that their primary role as leader of the spa is to create an atmosphere where people with the potential to develop the miracle ingredient will be attracted to join the staff and to develop their craft. Theirs will soon be a great spa, because customers will quickly experience the difference and spread the word. Customers might not fully know why it is better, but they surely know what a great treatment is when they experience it, and they will talk about it.

The ability to spot intent, and to nourish it when it is found, is a superior attribute of great spa directors. This too can be learned. The intent that constitutes the miracle ingredient so often missing from treatments is a very simple and genuine quality that cannot be faked. It is reminiscent of old fashioned country doctors willing to inconvenience their schedule, and go out of their way to see someone in need of their care and attention. It is also like those health professionals who know they cannot explain everything but have the conviction that successful treatments require the patient’s participation. That is because they know in their heart that there is more to a human being than the body, and that there is more to the body than just matter––flesh, blood, bones and organs.

The special individuals who provide the miracle Ingredient known as intent know they are in a giving mode when they offer a treatment. They know they must prepare for giving the treatment and that they will need to replenish their energy when the treatment is over. They understand they must develop their capacity to be conscious of their intent. They are just like blood donors who can give only so much and so often.

Spas with a healing and retreat-like mission need the miracle Ingredient to become and remain what they want to be. They need the right people to make it happen, from management to technicians. Their conscious intent is an integral part of their work, and they must know how to cultivate it. Many will not agree or understand this concept. Few might truly relate to it and fewer yet will know how to incorporate it. That is why, at the top of the pyramid, there are only a few great spas, and their greatness is neither simply, nor mostly, a function of their architecture and interior decor.

by Jon Canas, www.energetic-skincare.com

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Beauty: Not An Obsession, but a Philosophy

What is health—physical, emotional, and mental?

How can it be achieved?

Linked to health, beauty the natural way, necessarily becomes a matter of overall lifestyle. As an objective, achieving natural beauty can become a positive driving force in one’s life.

As we better understand the interrelationship of all that is at work in looking and feeling good, we develop a greater desire to ensure that anything that can be destructive to our purpose is removed and preferably replaced by something that contributes to our wellness.

Then beauty becomes not an obsession unto itself, but a real philosophy of life. This philosophy of life also pays attention to practical telltale signs which manifest in the physical body and challenge us in our drive to achieve our full potential within the natural cycle of life.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Beauty Is Health Made Visible!

Why Is Beauty Health Made Visible?

Because of the following two major concepts:

  • The body is not simply matter (solids and fluids) but matter and energy—vital energy, a carrier of information and intelligence to all cells of the body.  
  • The skin is a vital organ with reflexive properties. This is because all parts of the body are interconnected by vital energy. Reflex zones provide a telltale sign of what is going on within the body. That is why our body shape and our skin condition reflect the degree of wellness we enjoy. As a result, indeed, "Beauty Is Health Made Visible." Reflex zones also provide a way to practice reflexology and to simply balance vital energy in spa treatments.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What Is Energetic Skincare?

Energetic Skincare is  Vital-Energy-Based Skincare (based on the principles of energy medicine.)

First, we need to appreciate the fact that in spite of what we might have been taught in school, the body is not simply matter (solids and fluids). It's also energy—vital energy. It is called prana in yoga and Ayurvedic medicine, and chi in Traditional Chinese Medicine and by practitioners of Asian martial arts. This ancient concept is now demonstrated by quantum physics. Progressive medical doctors have embraced this approach:

from Deepak Chopra, M.D. in Grow Younger Live Longer:

“Your body is a field of energy, information, and intelligence… capable of perpetual healing, renewal and transformation.”

from Richard Gerber, M.D. in Vibrational Medicine:

“The physical body is actually a complex network of interwoven energy fields.”

The point is that, as stated by Gerber in the same book, “If we are a being of energy, it follows that we can be affected by energy.”

Therefore, with the right energetic tools and know-how, a practitioner can work on any body and skin problem at the level of matter (skin) like everyone else, but in addition balance the vital energy flow of their client.

Energy medicine dictates that all our body issues have a root cause in vital energy imbalance or blockages of vital energy flow.

With the Phytobiodermie method, a spa practitioner can easily learn how to do that and get better and faster results!

Monday, November 10, 2014


Welcome to Our Energetic Blog!

Our skin—the largest organ of the body— is a reflexive organ
providing telltale signs of what is going on within the body.

This why we say, “Beauty Is Health Made Visible!”
And it's why proper skincare is a key element of wellness.

The skin as a vital organ cannot be excessively stripped mechanically or with acids, injected with chemical, cut, stretched and sewn, without consequences. Likewise, what you eat, drink, breathe, and how you exercise your body, or not, will have consequences on your health as much as on your skin. Skincare is caring for your entire body. That is why it is truly a holistic proposition. Anything else is a shortcut with potentially undesirable consequences. [excerpted from Energetic Skincare, Naturally, by Jon Canas, President, Phytobiodermie U. S.; go to: http://energetic-skincare.com for more information on the book]